why not use the same company for domain register and hosting

25/05/2017 :

There are a few reasons businesses may not want to have their domain name and hosting with the same company.

One reason is that it can limit flexibility. If you’re not happy with the service or if you find a better deal elsewhere, it’s tough to switch hosting providers. Another potential issue is that if you ever need to change your domain name, it can be difficult and time-consuming to transfer both the domain name and the hosting to a new provider.

Another reason is that it can limit control. Having your domain name and hosting with the same company can make it difficult to have full control over your website. You may not have access to certain features or settings that are only available with a different hosting provider. This can make it difficult to customize your website and make it perform to your desired standards.

Having your domain name and hosting with the same company can limit the number of options available to you. Some companies may not offer certain features or may not have the same level of customer support as other providers. By separating your domain name and hosting, you have more options to choose from and can pick the best company for each service.

Lastly, having your domain name and hosting with the same company can increase the risk of service interruption. If the company experiences technical difficulties or goes out of business, it can cause both your website and email being down. By keeping your domain name and hosting with different providers, you can reduce the risk of service interruption.

It may be convenient to have your domain name and hosting with the same company. It can limit flexibility, control, options, and increase the risk of service interruption. By keeping your domain name and hosting with different providers, you can have more options to choose from and can pick the best company for each service, and have better control over your website and reduce the risk of service interruption.